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Outdoor Adventure - On the road with Ariel, Aina and Vitor

During our fall/winter 2023 campaign shoot, we were out and about with Ariel, Aina and Vitor. Our models who are always absolute outdoor fans, love to be out in nature all day.

Why nature is so important to the three of them, what being outdoors does to us and our bodies, and how you can integrate nature into your everyday life for more mindfulness, you can find out here.


We all love nature! But let’s be honest, wouldn’t we all just love to spend much more time outside? We spend a lot of time indoors: at home, in the office or, even when we are active, exercising indoors. If the weather does not give us a motivation boost, we often would refrain from going outside. Too cold, too rainy, too windy... nature seems to throw a spanner in the works. But all you need is the right outdoor casual wear and you won't mind the wind and weather!



Our campaign shoot takes place in the heart of nature. Not a single building, car or motorway in sight. Just silence and the sounds of wild, untouched nature: Lush plants and ancient trees with their rustling leaves, winding rivers with its rippling water, chirping birds, buzzing insects and the sound of one's own heartbeat.

A team made up of completely different people with very different backgrounds - but we all have one thing in common: a deep connection to nature and being outdoors. In the few days we spend together, we grow and learn together. The impressions, the untamed beauty of it all, being grounded - an adventure.

Time in nature is "always a good time," Ariel says.


It has even been empirically proven that nature is good for all of us. In general, living mindfully in harmony with nature is something we should focus on again much more.

Spending time outdoors in nature and living mindfully with nature can have numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Here are some reasons why it is good for us:

  • Stress Reduction: Being in nature has a calming effect on the human mind. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature can help reduce stress hormones like cortisol and promote relaxation. The experience of being in a natural environment often leads to feelings of tranquility and peace.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Nature provides a break from the constant stimulation of modern life, such as screens and notifications. Spending time in nature allows our minds to rest and recover, which can improve focus, productivity, and overall mental clarity.
  • Improved Mood and Well-being: Interacting with nature triggers the release of endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones. This can lead to an improved mood and a sense of well-being. Additionally, exposure to natural sunlight helps regulate the body's production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Nature's beauty and complexity often inspire creativity and problem-solving abilities. Being immersed in natural surroundings can stimulate our imagination and encourage innovative thinking.
  • Boosted Immune System: Spending time outdoors exposes us to various natural elements, which can strengthen the immune system. Studies have suggested that people who spend more time in nature may have a better-functioning immune system.
  • Physical Health Benefits: Engaging in outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, or simply walking, contributes to physical fitness and overall health. Nature offers opportunities for exercise, promoting cardiovascular health and better physical conditioning.
  • Connection with the Earth: Living mindfully with nature fosters a sense of connection and appreciation for the environment. This awareness often leads to more environmentally friendly behaviors and a desire to protect and preserve nature for future generations.
  • Reduced Symptoms of Mental Health Issues: Spending time in nature has been linked to decreased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The calming and grounding aspects of nature can provide relief from the pressures of daily life.
  • Restoration and Healing: Nature has a rejuvenating effect on the body and mind. It can help individuals recover from mental fatigue, emotional distress, and even physical ailments.
  • Sense of Awe and Wonder: Being in nature can inspire a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of the vastness and interconnectedness of the world. This can lead to a more profound sense of purpose and meaning in life.
  • Overall, spending time outdoors in nature and living mindfully with nature can contribute to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. It encourages us to slow down, be present, and appreciate the beauty and wonders of the natural world around us.

    Because living mindfully also means coming to rest and relying only on our senses in nature or when hiking. It is a switching off, a breaking out of everyday life routine and a focus on oneself. But how can we switch off properly? It's a question that we city dwellers who are accustomed to technology and constant distraction – we ask ourselves:

    How can we engage with nature and possibly even connect deeply with it? And how can we live more mindfully in a big city?

    Here are 5 simple tips:

    1. Turn off your phone so as not to be distracted.
    2. Find time for oneself, our own path and our own pace and adjust to what feels right for our bodies.
    3. Focus on taking deep breaths, as this relaxes and energizes at the same time.
    4. Team up with a four-legged buddy, human buddy or group of friends to be outside in good company.
    5. Smell, feel, touch, taste your surroundings, take off our shoes and begin to take in nature with all your senses.

    "Mother Nature is teaching us!"

    By implementing just one of these points, our relationship with nature already changes fundamentally and we realize what superpowers nature has in store!

    Being mindful feels good!

    An extra dose of oxygen outside boosts your attention, awareness and concentration. Studies show that active time outdoors improves sleep quality, reduces inflammation and pain and increases overall life expectancy. Being in nature allows rest to have a positive effect on your mood and your body.

    Time in nature is indeed Quality Time - not only physically, but also emotionally and psychologically, as it can have a positive impact on mental health.

    Spending time in nature is Aina's prescription for stress. It makes for a more serene life.

    "I find that nature can really help
    with stress and anxiety...

    Aina loves to go hiking with her friends in Palma, Mallorca.

    Just like Aina, we can team up with friends or family to accompany us and make nature our social network. The landscape inspires different kinds of conversations, often with more depth. Getting out into nature literally blows our minds and makes us look at things differently. Wander off, let our thoughts run free, and we'll find that we become more creative, getting new ideas and insights.

    For Vitor, outdoor adventures have always been a fulfilling and grounding experience.

    How about you just give it a try - say...? now?

    Outdoor adventures are something you never forget, because they give you many precious moments that you remember fondly. Once you start spending more time outside in nature, it can change your whole life.


    1. What does mindful living mean?

    Living mindfully means being consciously present in the present moment and focusing one's attention completely on what is happening right now, whether in one's own body, mind or environment. It is about consciously noticing experiences and sensations without evaluating or judging them.

    Through mindful living, we can build a deeper connection to ourselves, to other people, and to the world around us. It helps us calm our minds, reduce stress, and focus on what's important. Mindfulness can also help us identify and transform negative thought patterns for a more fulfilling and happier life.

    2. How can mindfulness and nature be combined?

    There are several ways to be mindful in and with nature. Here are some suggestions for how you can interact mindfully with nature:

    Slow your pace: When spending time in nature, consciously take time to slow down. Consciously walk or move at a slower pace to be aware of and enjoy your surroundings.

    Notice your senses: use your senses to experience nature more intensely. Be mindful of the sounds of birds, the scent of flowers, the sound of the wind, or the touch of grass under your feet. Focus on what you see, hear, smell, feel and maybe even taste.

    Connect with nature: consciously connect with nature. Sit on a bench, lie on the ground, or hug a tree. Feel the connection to the earth and the living elements around you.

    Be present: let go of your thoughts and be fully present in the present moment. Avoid thinking about the past or brooding about the future. Instead, focus on consciously experiencing the here and now.

    Explore nature with curiosity: Go into nature with an open and curious mind. Be ready to discover the details and beauty of your surroundings. Look at the plants, animals and natural formations with a wondering eye.

    Pay attention to environmental sustainability: Pay attention to how you treat nature. Be respectful and don't leave litter. Pay attention to nature conservation and try to minimise your impact on the environment. Read more about how to behave in nature in our blog post "Do's and dont's in nature".

    Practice nature meditation: Find a quiet place in nature and sit or lie down. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath and the sounds of nature around you. Let yourself be carried by the sounds and sensations around you and consciously notice them.

    By doing these practices regularly, you can develop your mindfulness in nature and create a deeper connection to the natural world. Enjoy the tranquility, beauty, and wonder of nature and let it wash over you.

    3. What are some mindfulness practices in nature?

    There are several mindfulness exercises that can be done in nature. Here are some examples based on the information provided:

    1. Walking meditation: this exercise focuses on practicing mindfulness while walking. One should focus on the sensation of walking and what one is noticing with all the senses. The exercise can be done in a quiet place in nature where there are few people and little car traffic. You should walk slowly and be aware of everything around you, starting with the soles of your feet and the feel of the ground with each step. Breath can also be used as an anchor, for example by breathing in for three steps and breathing out for three steps.
    2. It is about consciously perceiving nature with all senses during a walk or stay in the forest. The exercise aims to reduce stress hormones and lower blood pressure. Would you like to learn more about " forest bathing"? Click here to go to the blog.
    1. Nature awareness exercises: These exercises aim to consciously perceive nature and get back in touch with it. They can help one find peace and serenity and have the feeling of being part of a greater whole. Trees often play an important role here, as they have been with us humans since the beginning of time and there is a special relationship with them. For example, you can stay under a tree and try to feel the power that comes from it, or breathe together with the trees.

    But even if you just walk a few steps along a field, through the city park or through a forest, you will notice that it does something to you and will do you good both physically and mentally. The entire camel active team, the shooting crew and especially Ariel, Aina and Vitor wish you a lot of fun and a good rest out in nature!

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